
Yoyogi International School is in a unique setting in the heart of Tokyo beside beautiful Yoyogi Park. Within walking distance of the two main buildings, students have access to world-class community resources actively employed by the teaching staff daily.  Our youngest students enjoy playing and digging in the Mud Park just 20 meters from the front door of their building.  Immediately across the road, our students can study and explore nature in the 133 acres of Yoyogi Park. Our running club works on dirt trails winding around the edges, while the central areas offer cycling tracks and large open spaces. 
Students perform twice a year on stage in the 600-seat theatre in the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center. The Olympic Center also provides excellent swimming and gym facilities for physical education units. 

It is not unusual to see our students walking with their teacher through the paths of the local community. We embrace our small corner of the city and openly engage it in student learning. Our authentic, real-world learning experience begins where we live. Becoming a respectful and caring community member is best practiced in the realities of where we live.

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